Moving Places
So rad to have moved home and have all our loose ends tied up and done with.
Now to continue unpacking till we have a home that looks and feels like home.
It amazes me to look back and see the continual favour we’ve had throughout this time. Especially seeing that wifey can’t do much at all as she’s expecting in approx 4weeks.
God is on it as always 😉
Oh yeah, yesterday, my good buddy and epic photographer Luke Drew also gave me his old yet super well kept mountain bike. I ask him randomly if he knew of anyone that may have a mountain bike to sell and he was like“‘i have one, ill give it to you!” Boom … Just like that ! (E.M)
Once again, amazing as I was on the prowl for a bike as it is too ideal to get around with one in our new suburb.
Yeah … So after a bunch of hard work, perfect timing, generosity, lots of love and Favour it’s time to stop writing and get back to some more work.
Love it 😊